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Fall time: Room decorations+Halloween

Hey everyone! Today I decided to show you these nice ways to give your room a cozier and cuter look!:-)

jarSo, few days ago I went to a local store and bought some stuff that pot-pourriinspired me to spice up my room a little bit so I am now gonna tell you how I did it!

First I bought 3 jars in small size. To fill them I bought pot-pourri which basically is a bag that contains pinecones, candlecolored and dried leafs and things like that and I chose the one that smells like rose. Then I picked up a candle that smells like vanilla and a twine to decor the jars.halloween1

When I came home I found 2 cute Halloween trimmings (if I can call them in this way!) in pottery in halloween2which you put little candles (which I haven’t bought,yet!) and put them in my bedroom.

So this is the final result! I hope you liked it and if you try to do it make sure to send me a picture on my new Twitter account!  @francescaspot

fall time

Cute ways to decorate your bedroom

Hey! I’m back and I’m going to show you  some cute ways to decorate your bedroom and to make it cozy. If you have one or more blank walls, you are in the right place! In fact there are a lot of ways to decorate walls! One is to take some pictures (yours and your friends or from the web) and to make a heart with photos on the wall. If you don’t like this way of decorating, don’t desperate! Another option is to pick up some of your favourite words or quotes, cut out the letters that make the words and stick them to the walls! It might sound weird, but it looks amazing! An alternative to those ideas, is to put calendars of your favourite singer/actor or attach bags of your favourite stores on walls. Or you can buy a bulletin board and pin whatever you want. E.G. porgramme of the week, pictures, tickets

On the other hand, if your problem is that your isn’t well -lighted, you can buy a cute lamp or you can take some lights that are generally used to light up Christmas trees and hang them on the ceiling or on walls.

Another cute (and perfumed) idea is to buy some colorful candles and put them on the bedside table, but always remember to blow them out before going to bed! 😉

And to make your room more colorful, just put nice sheets and blankets on the bed and cute cushions.

Then, if you don’t like your wardrobe, you can put stickers, photos, cards or mirrors on it, to make it more personal!

These are some picture of the ideas I said before:

